1972 to 1977
Victoria City
The Victoria City was delivered to Kettenberg Marine and her first owner
in the summer of 1972. She was named after an English Freighter that rescued her first owner
who survived ten days in a life raft after his previous boat sank. The Victoria City
was used as a family boat and for local fishing in San Diego waters.
1977 to 1979
1979 to 1982
Idle Wise
During this period the Idle Wise made several trips to the Cape. She also had a minor altercation with a
San Diego Harbor Bouy. Both engines were overhauled.
1982 to 1983
Bill Fighter
The Bill Fighter
fished local waters for Tuna and Marlin. One engine was overhauled.
1983 to 1995 Ghost
The Ghost was owned by a prominent Newport Beach physcian and
Yacht Club Commodore. She made one trip to the Cape and served often as
a committee boat for local sailboat races, but primarily she languised at the slip. By 1995 she was
in such poor shape that it was not possible to obtain insurance.
1995 to 2016
The Seabear was purchased in May of 1995. She was a mess. We spent nearly 3 months in Newport Beach at Basin Marine often with the help of Bruce Mrosko repairing the effects of a decade of neglect on the power train. The interior was essentially stripped.
In July of 1995 we finally declared the Seabear ready for the trip back to San Diego. It took another 12 months of late nights and long weekends to finish the refit. We managed over 2500 hours on the old Detroit 8V53's which were replaced in 2005 with Cummins 370 B TA motors. The boat has been continuously updated with modern equipment and electronics.
2016- present
The Wild Bill was purchased in August of 2016 by an avid billfisherman from Ventura. She will continue to ply the Channel Island waters for Billfish and other sportfish
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